It’s true to say, we care about the community we live in. That’s why we started our charity foundation in 2015 to support local projects and people. Since then, we’ve raised more than £20,000 through different fundraising events, including the Three Peaks Challenge (we’ve completed three of these), Wolf Runs, marathons and half marathons, and a charity ball – to name just a few.

We’re happy to help out in other ways too. Here’s how the Central team stepped in to support a local youth charity project, with a new resin floor for their community centre gym. It’s called the Eyres Monsell Club for Young People (EMCYP).

About the charity

EMCYP is a brilliant youth centre. It supports young people by engaging and encouraging them to achieve their maximum potential in their personal and social development. It’s also a safe space where they can go to get support for their physical and emotional health – by training in the gym at affordable prices, guided by instructors and qualified mental health first aiders.

About the project

The local people behind this community project spent years fundraising to build a much-needed extension with more modern facilities. It’s the cornerstone of the local neighbourhood and has been for the past 60-years. Through their fundraising efforts and people volunteering their services and time for free, they eventually raised enough money to finance the project and found a local builder to manage it.

Like any new gym, it needed suitable flooring fit for a workout, and that’s where stepped in – with advice and an Altro system. EMCYP had a budget of £10,000 for their 120m² floor. Usually, a project of this size would cost around £15,000 – but because we had the materials in stock, we donated the resin flooring system and carried out the work at cost. This meant EMCYP still had half of their original budget, which they used to fit out the gym with better equipment.

About the installation

The Altro Flexiflow system was the ideal multifunctional floor because it’s low maintenance and robust and will last three times longer than conventional soft vinyl flooring.

Installing it though, proved a little trickier because of the onsite logistics. The carpark was at the front of the building and the new extension was tucked away at the rear. This meant that when it came to installing the screed, we had two choices. We either had to wheel-barrow 10-tonnes through the existing community centre, closing it off for a few weeks and interrupting daily activities – or installing the screed via a mechanical pump. We opted for the pump!

Using a quick drying screed enabled us to put the topcoat on in one week. So, from start to finish the project took us 3-weeks, working closely with the local builder and finishing trades. These efficiencies enabled us to handover the gym much more quickly.

The community centre is in the heart of a housing estate, so we were mindful of noise and pollution. That’s why we didn’t start until 9 in the morning and were finished by 4 each day. We always keep an eye on our green credentials too. For this local project, we were keen to use local labour, helping us to reduce our carbon footprint. And when our directors and managers visited site, they used electric cars.

What the EMCYP fundraising team has achieved is incredible. So, from our perspective, we’d just like to say:

“It was hugely rewarding for the team to get involved with this project, to do something for the people of Eyres Monsell, and to see what it means to them. The Altro flooring we’ve installed will last at least 20-years – so to have had the opportunity to make a contribution has been a privilege. My grandparents used to live in Eyres Monsell – so for me, the project also has a sentimental value”.
Richard Jinks, Director

… and from EMCYP’s perspective

“Central Flooring did a brilliant job and offered a very generous pricing package. It meant that we didn’t have to go after extra funding and allowed us to invest in better-quality gym equipment. They advised us on the best resin flooring for the gym – and our needs. A previous flooring contractor had recommended a different type of resin floor which would have taken several months to dry, delaying access to our new space. The team at Central left a lasting impression and everyone was delighted”.
Wayne Connolly, Director, Connolly Property Services Ltd – on behalf of EMCYP